What Order Should You Apply Skin Care Products? - Frank & Rosie
BeautyWhat Order Should You Apply Skin Care Products?

What Order Should You Apply Skin Care Products?

At Frank & Rosie, we love all things beauty and understand how hard it is to resist collecting an impressive stash of skin care products. But with so many products in our bathroom cabinet, we have to ask ourselves—how do I apply it all? Don’t worry (and save yourself those unwanted frown lines), we have curated a skin care range that’s easy to use and simple to follow.

Knowing how to layer your skin care products may seem like one of life’s greatest mysteries—between serums, mists, a morning skin care routine versus a night skin care routine, not to mention the sunscreen or moisturiser first quandary—the questions are endless. Here are our top tips to help you create the perfect skin care routine for you.

does the order you apply skin care products matter?

You may not think it’s crucial to have that perfect skin care order nutted out, but when you’re investing in quality products, the last thing you want to do is ineffectively apply them. A good skin care routine is all about how we use and when we apply each product.

A general rule, start with your lightest product and end with your heaviest. This means you need to be aware of the ingredients in your products. For example, lots of skin care gurus get confused about which goes first—serums or moisturisers. Both products are essential for a kick-ass skin care routine, so applying them correctly is important.

If you guessed serum, you’re on the right track. This is because your face serum is lightweight and will most likely contain a mixture of hard-hitting, potent active ingredients that are delivered directly to your skin. Then, follow with your loyal face moisturiser, which will lock in the moisture, soften the skin, and protect against the elements.

how to build a skin care routine

First, relax—it’s great for your face. We have broken it down, so all you have to do is grab your products, sit back and pamper yourself!

step 1: cleanse (day & night)

The most underestimated beauty step and a reminder for all the women out there who have gone to bed without removing the day or their makeup—listen up. We know life gets busy, and sometimes you just want to catch up on sleep, but please don’t forget this step! Cleansing will remove daily pollutants from the skin, clear your complexion and allow your skin care products to penetrate your skin while it’s fresh.

In the morning, we suggest using your cleanser to remove your products from the night before. A good cleanser will leave your skin clean and fresh without feeling stripped of your skin’s natural oils.

Our Dual Action Calming Cleanser is enriched with natural oils and extracts as well as soothing Tazman Pepper™ that is rich in antioxidants and gentle on the skin. Perfect for those who are sensitive to redness as it will deeply cleanse, clear and refresh your skin for the day without the irritation. This product also works wonders for your PM routine, as it’s a 2-in-1 cleanser AND makeup remover.

step 2: tone (day & night)

Did you know that facial toners were originally created as an alcohol-based product that would rid skin of soap scum after cleansing? Now, facial toners can do anything from minimising pores to evening out skin tone.

Facial toning mists should be used in three main ways: after cleansing, after applying makeup and throughout the day.

  1. After Cleansing
    Using your toning mist after cleansing will assist in removing excess oil, pollutants and makeup. It will also help balance your skin tone and hydrate and protect your complexion, making it the perfect base to follow with your serums and moisturisers.

  2.  After Applying makeup
    While this isn’t necessary, it will give your skin a complete refresh! Perfect for when you want to brighten your look for post-work drinks!

  3.  Throughout the day
    Applying facial toning mist during the day gives your skin an ultra-refreshing, skin-boosting burst of vitamins and nutrients. Using an alcohol-free mist such as our Skin Soothing Facial Toning Mist will immediately hydrate the skin and protect it from daily aggressors whenever your skin is having a dull moment.

We particularly love using this product straight after a workout, as an afternoon pick-me-up when the office air conditioning has dried out our complexion, as well as during a long flight to help give our skin the much-needed drink of water it needs.

step 3: serum (day & night)

Serums—the holy grail of skin care products. The perfect serum will hydrate, soften, brighten, work to prevent signs of aging, as well as firm and plump the skin.

This step can be easy to forget, which is why our oh-so-innovative team at Frank & Rosie decided to make things easier. We created a first-of-its-kind product that combines all the benefits of your serum together with the nourishing and softening benefits of your day cream.

Our All In One Day Cream + Serum is enriched with Hyaluronic Acid that is known to hold 1,000 times its weight in water, meaning it will plump out lines and wrinkles and firm the skin. It also contains antioxidant-rich Tazman Pepper™, which is gentle yet effective in the fight against pollution on the skin— game-changer.

step 4: Moisturise (day & night)

The next product to apply is the humble and trustworthy moisturiser. For a day moisturiser, look for something lightweight and not too heavy. A thick moisturiser will clog pores and may also cause excess sebum production. Look for light ingredients like Aloe Vera and natural oils.

On the other hand, your night cream should be rich, luxurious and buttery. This cream is your go-to product to repair skin cells overnight, deeply moisturise the skin and simultaneously work to prevent signs of aging. This step is a must, and luckily our Ultra Night Restore is enriched with Shea Butter, Hyaluronic Acid and Avocado Oil to help you get the beauty sleep you deserve.

step 5: Eye cream (day & night)

It’s easy to see why so many people dismiss eye creams as a non-essential part of their skin care routine. How could something so little really do anything? Don’t be fooled. Even though they are small, eye creams are a force to be reckoned with! A good eye cream should be jam-packed with gentle and calming ingredients that work hard to fight wrinkles, eye bags and dark circles.

Our Forever Young Eye Contour Cream is enriched with Organic Chamomile and Sage to soothe your skin and leave you looking fresh. Be sure to apply eye cream gently by using your ring finger to dab the product around your eye area softly, then say hello to brighter, smoother skin.

step 6: spf (day)

Just like mum always said: Don’t leave the house without sunscreen on! We’re sorry to say it, but your SPF foundation is not enough — you will need an actual SPF cream.

The number one cause of premature aging is the sun. UV rays penetrate the skin and weaken the elastic fibres that help keep your skin firm. This causes wrinkles, pigmentation, and dark spots—all the things you will then be paying a hefty fee to undo.

Yes, aging is natural and something we should celebrate, but keep it safe and healthy too. We love Ultra Violette Queen Screen SPF 50+ Luminising Sun Serum,  which is lightweight, free from nasties and uses a combination of hard-hitting ingredients that won’t irritate your skin.

take charge of your skin care today!

And there we have it, your step-by-step guide to layering your skin care products. Take charge and ensure you’re giving your skin the care, nutrients, protection and support it needs to look healthy, glowing, and most of all — happy!

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