Money Back Guarantee - Frank & Rosie

Money Back Guarantee

We pride ourselves on developing the highest quality products and we are confident that you will love them. However, every skin is different, and should you not be satisfied with our products, we offer a Money Back Guarantee!

If you are not absolutely satisfied with your purchase we will happily provide a full refund or credit. The claim for a refund must be made within 30 days of the shipment date. To qualify for a refund, the product must be returned to Group48. The refund does not include any postage charges you may have incurred when purchasing or returning the product.  


Return Instructions

Please contact us via the following form:

or email us at Please include your invoice number and let our Group48 team know about the issue and why you would like to return your product.


Please note

To be eligible for a refund, please note the following conditions:

  • Refund payments will be made for the amount on the original purchase receipt.
  • Returned product must have at least 50% of the contents remaining.
  • The 100% Satisfaction guarantee is valid for products purchased online from www.frankand
  • You are responsible for shipping costs and the safe return of merchandise. Any goods returned to us will be at your expense regardless of the fault or reason for their return. The only exception offered is where we have sent you an incorrect or faulty item. In these rare circumstances we will cover the costs associated with having to return the item(s). This refund will not exceed our standard shipping fee for the item(s)* needing to be returned and can only be paid once the item(s) has been received by our staff.

*Note to International Customers: Because duties and taxes are collected by the government in the country where the goods are received (and not by Group48), we do not reimburse for these expenses.

Most returns are processed within 5-7 business days of receipt. You will receive an email confirmation once your return or exchange has been processed.



Where the process above is followed, you can expect a refund in the same form of payment originally used for purchase within 5 – 7 days of Group48 receiving of your returned product.

Return Form Request

Please complete the below form with your details, the reason you are needing to return this product, as well as a clear image of the product. A customer service representative will be in contact with you once your form has been reviewed.

    Please attach a clear image of the product(s) you wish to return.*

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